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Trusted by thousands nationwide.

24/7 virtual care companion you can trust

24/7 emergency support for the elderly with one-touch alarms, gps tracking, wellness monitoring, medication reminders and more.

$195 $50/Month

AS LOW AS $50/Month

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Trusted by thousands nationwide.

On-demand personal assistant to optimize your tasks

Manage unlimited tasks securely and conveniently with our flexible, personal assistant service that combines live support enhanced by AI.

$395 $150/Month

AS LOW AS $150/Month

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Trusted by thousands nationwide.

24/7 live customer support

Expert multi-lingual customer support team providing real-time 24/7 assistance through voice, email, text, chat, and online platforms

AS LOW AS $95/Month

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Credits - 50

$295 $150/Month

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Trusted by thousands nationwide.

Lead gen & sales engineered for growth

Multi-channel dedicated lead generation and sales team driving proactive outreach and strategic deal nurturing.

Credits - 50

$295 $150/Month

AS LOW AS $95/Month

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Trusted by thousands nationwide.

Backoffice & admin solutions for frontline success

Expert multi-lingual support and backoffice workforce to handle all your administrative tasks

AS LOW AS $95/Month

Credits - 50

$295 $95/Month

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How it works

Expert 24/7 support team matched with a powerful software

Signup easily

Integrate your channels to our 100% password secured software within seconds.

We got this

We will assign the right person for the right task to ensure it’s completed successfully.

Help you grow

We track and learn your behaviours to customise winning strategies.

Award-winning service to help you scale your productivity

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are your prices so low?
How does the 14-day money-back guarantee work?
Can I cancel my subscription at any time?
How many credits are included with the subscription?
Can I purchase additional credits if I need more?

Ensuring trust & security is our priority

Leave all hassle and worries behind. Our platform is 100% secured and protected. Our agents will never know your credentials.